Monday, March 10, 2008

On Sunday afternoon Rob headed to Newport so he could help his brother do some bathroom remodeling, and we tagged along to get in a little time on the beach. It wasn't too cold so the kiddos had fun chasing seagulls (or as Marlee sometimes calls them bagels) and getting sand in every place they could think of.

I got owen to hold still for a minute so I could take his picture by telling him to look for whales in the ocean. He thought he saw some...but I wasn't so sure.

It was a fun end to our day that started out about an hour LATE since we forgot all about the time change. Come on mom...isn't that your job to remind me? :) Oh wait, I'm the mom now. Growing up sucks.

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big brother said...

Incredible Photography - Absolutely Incredible - Truly Inspirational!!!!

I Love You Sis.

Jenny Built-house said...

the seagulls on the polls shot is excellent. I can't believe they were all standing there like that!

Marlee and Owen are so cute. Your mom sent me a birthday card (she never fails to, every year since high school. incredible) and included pictures of the kids.

Marlee is an adorable preschooler :)